Welcome to my website. Let me introduce myself - I'm Becca, a qualified person-centred and integrative counsellor working in North Wiltshire.
I recognise that there could be many reasons why you have found your way to my website.
Perhaps you have been hurt recently or in the past.
Maybe you are daunted by the future, wondering if you are in the right job or relationship.
Perhaps you're feeling anxious, depressed or overwhelmed by difficult emotions.
Maybe you're struggling to cope with a bereavement or coming to terms with an illness, either your own or someone else's.
Perhaps it feels that nothing you do is good enough, that you aren't accepted for who you are, or that life has lost its meaning.
Whatever you are facing, please know that you don't have to cope alone. I can offer you a welcoming, therapeutic space where we can explore your thoughts and feelings.